
아름다운 인터넷세상 만들기 TVCF

CookieTM 2009. 10. 19. 15:24

Create a Beautiful World of the Internet TVCF@GIANTSTEP

client: Korea Internet & Security Agency
works: 3D Animation, 2D Animation
tools: 3ds Max, after effects

Project Title : Internet Ethics Awareness TVCF
Project Length : 40s
Work Date : Aug. 2009 (2 weeks)

Client : Korea Internet & Security Agency
Agency : Salt Communication (Seoul, KOR)
Production : Custom Message (Seoul, KOR)
Making Company : GIANTSTEP (Seoul, KOR)
Art Director : SeungChan Kim
2D Artist : SeungChan Kim, KukHee Nam
3D Artist : KukHee Nam, OnMin Song, YoungHye Kim

Tools : 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, After Effects, photoshop