삼일교회 첫선교 장흥선교.


가서 다른사람을 도와주고 오는 일인데 오히려
나 자신을 고치고 도움 받는 시간이였던거같다.

작년 1년 내내 왜치던 바쁘다는 핑개는
다른 사람들을 보는 순간 입밖을로 내밀수가 없었다.

잠깐 잃어버렸던것도 점점 찾아가고 있는것 같다.
조금 늦은감이 있지만 올해는 제대로 살아보고 싶다.

남이 보기에 행복한 인생이 아닌 내 자신이 행복한 인생을 살도록 하자.


National Museum of Korea Exhibition 'Autumn - Autumn in Art' Exhibition Movie Film @Aniframe 

client: National Museum of Korea Exhibition
works: planning/ artwork/ compositing/ 2D animation
tools: after effects

Project Title : National Museum of Korea Exhibition ‘Autumn – Autumn in Art’ Exhibition Movie
Project Length : 3m 12s
Work Date : Sep. 2008 (1month)

Client : Seoul City
Production Company : Aniframe(Seoul, KOR)
Planning : Frontior Team
Artwork : OkRyun Yun, KukHee Nam
2D Animation : KukHee Nam
Compositing : KukHee Nam

Tools : After Effects, photoshop


 Communic Asia 2008 in Singapore Expo LG Mobile LED Vision @Aniframe

client: LG Electronics
works: planning/ Effect/ compositing/ 2D animation
tools: after effects

Project Title : Communic Asia 2008 Expo LG Mobile LED Vision
Project Length : 4m 07s
Work Date : July. 2008 (1month)

Client :  LG Electronics
Production Company : Aniframe(Seoul, KOR)
3D Artist : MiYoung Sagong, InHyang Song
2D Artist : KukHee Nam, OkRyun Yun, MiYoung Sagong
Planning : Frontior Team
Artwork : OkRyun Yun
Compositing : KukHee Nam

Tools : Maya, After Effects, photoshop


Communic Asia 2008 in Singapore Expo LG Mobile LED Vision @Aniframe

Interactive Digital Display of Korea Cultural Service, in China @Anifame

client: Korea Cultural Service
works: 2D animation
tools: after effects/ drawing

중국 베이징에 한중문화원내에 설치된 인터렉티브 영상 작업물.
나는 거의 서포트만 하고 옥련이누나가 전체 컴포지팅을 한 작업.
실작업보다 랜더가 더 오래걸렸던 작업.;;
역시 여러가지로 아쉬운 작업중 하나

Project Title : Interactive Digital Display of Korea Cultural Service
Project Length : 15s
Work Date : Sep. 2008 (1month)

Client :  Korea Cultural Service
Production Company : Aniframe(Seoul, KOR)
Planning : Frontior Team
Artwork : OkRyun Yun
2D Animation : OkRyun Yun, KukHee Nam
3D Artist : MiYoung Sagong, InHyang Song
Compositing : OkRyun Yun

Tools :  Maya, After Effects, photoshop
